Welcome at promodesign.hu!

 Do you have new Design ideas? Would you like to put your brand always in focus?

You are on the right place now!

Our Company was established in 1991 by the specialists of the former Porcelain Manufacture ’Kőporc’ and by the german company Witeg GmbH.

Our activities:
- Production and sale of porcelain, ceramic and glass items
- Design development, graphic and print processing, production of decals
- Applying of design elements for supplied porcelain, ceramics and glassware

We are also in the production of higher than the lower quantities at your service.

All prints are fitted for daily use in dishwasher.

Tel/Fax: +36/1-262-6296, Mobile: +36/30-911-3247, e-mail: info@promodesign.hu